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News & Events

European project launched for Orhei and Telenesti Towns

A project financed by the European Union and implemented by Business Consulting Institute was officially launched today, March 19, at Orhei Mayoralty. The event was attended by His Excellency Dirk Schuebel, Ambassador of the European Union to Moldova, the representatives of USAID and UNDP Moldova, of the mayoralties, civil society and mass-media. The project will support the development of local infrastructure in Orhei and Telenesti Towns and the improvement of public services provided.



Project opening conference at Orhei Mayoralty

On March 19, 2013, Orhei Mayoralty will host the opening conference of the project “Promoting PPI as an efficient mechanism for community empowerment and sustainable local development”. The project is financed by the European Union and is implemented by Business Consulting Institute, in partnership with Orhei and Telenesti Mayoralties. It will offer financial support for the implementation of 4 local infrastructure projects in Orhei and Telenesti, to improve public services provided.



A new European project supports the development of Orhei and Telenesti Towns

Business Consulting Institute is launching a new project, financially supported by the European Union. The project aims to strengthen sustainable development capacities of non-state actors and local authorities in Orhei and Telenesti Towns. It will promote mechanisms of cooperation among society and LPA and will empower communities to participate to local development and have better access to improved services and infrastructure. Local authorities will learn within this project to implement development initiatives on a rights-based and gender responsive approach.



International Conference in Performance-Based Budgeting to be held in Chisinau

The Project “Support for the performance budgeting system in the Moldovan local self-governments”, launched in May 2012, closes its activities and is organizing the International Conference “Introduction of performance-based budgeting to local public administration in Moldova”. The event will take place on December 17, 2012, at the Vila Verde Hotel in Chisinau.



The Decentralization Reform: from Strategy to action

Experts in public administration and territorial-administrative reform from Macedonia, Georgia, the Czech Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia and Ukraine are in a study visit in Moldova during 12-14 November. During this visit, the experts will meet with the representatives of the central and local public administration and will participate to the International Conference „The Decentralization Reform: from Strategy to action”.



Training seminar within the performance budgeting project in Moldova

The Conference Room of Vila Verde Hotel is hosting, during 29 – 31 October, the training seminar „Implementation of performance-based budgeting in local public administration in Moldova”. The training is part of a project which aims to promote and introduce the performance-based budgeting in local public administration in Moldova.



Study visit to Macedonia in the context of the administrative-territorial reform

A delegation consisting of representatives of the central and local administration and NGOs perfoms a visit to Macedonia, during October 29 – November 2. The goal of the visit is to learn from the experience of territorial organization within the decentralization process . The study, which is the first stage of the undertaken project , will be followed by an international conference on decentralization held in Chisinau in November, which will be attended by the Macedonian experts.



Performance budgeting: Polish practices for local public administration in Moldova

Within the period 9-13 September 2012, Business Consulting Institute and the PAUCI Foundation organize a study visit to Poland, in the framework of the Project “Support for performance budgeting system in Moldovan local self-governments”, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland through the Polish Aid 2012. The program addresses local government representatives with responsibilities in finance and financial consultants.

