The Conference Room of Vila Verde Hotel is hosting, during 29 – 31 October, the training seminar „Implementation of performance-based budgeting in local public administration in Moldova”, organized within the project “Support for performance budgeting system in Moldovan local self-governments”.
The project is financially supported by the Polish Aid 2012 and is implemented by the PAUCI Foundation (Poland) in partnership with Business Consulting Institute.
The project aims to promote and introduce the performance-based budgeting in local public administration in Moldova, through evaluation of the current financial system and of the local budgeting process.
The seminar is attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Finance, of Local Public Administration and subordinated structures.
It presents practical aspects and key aspects of performance-based budgeting in Krakow (Poland) and the mechanisms for citizens’ participation in budget elaboration and monitoring of budget implementation. The training is provided by experts from Poland and Moldova.
For other information, please contact Business Consulting Institute, contact person - Natalia Sava, tel/fax: + 373 22 85 50 77, e-mail: