Ro   En  




Decentralization and Local Autonomy. European Models for the Republic of Moldova (RO)

Decentralization and local autonomy are a priority for the Government of the Republic of Moldova, requiring a complex, deep and multisectorial reform which concerns all the social and economic spheres. The Project „Decentralization and Local Autonomy Development: Successful European Models for the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by BCI, PAUCI (Poland) and CPM (Latvia) and financed by the Soros-Foundation Moldova and UNDP, has offered decision-makers and experts in Moldova the possibility to learn from the experience of Poland, Latvia and other EU member states in the implementation of the decentralization reform. The study „Decentralization and Local Autonomy. European Models for the Republic of Moldova”, which is the common work of the experts of the partner organizations, presents the Latvian and Polish experience of decentralization and conclusions and recommendations for establishing a real autonomy in Moldova.    



Entrepreneur good practices (RO)

The book „Entrepreneur good practices”, whose authors are Mihai Roşcovan and Natalia Sava, was launched within the project “Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment”, which has come to an end in June 2012. The brochure contains the successful stories of entrepreneurs which,  through the support of this project, have invested remittances in their own businesses, it presents their innovative ideas and advices for those to would like to create their own company.    




Performance Budgeting Guide for Local Public Administration (RO)    

The Guide argues for the need to introduce performance-based budgeting to the local public administration of Moldova, pointing out the problems of financial management methods and the current budget system. It presents the performance budgeting concept and the conditions and methodology for its implementation, aiming to support local public administration and stakeholders in its assimilation and application.                  






How to set up a business. Practical guide for entrepreneurs (RO) 

The present guide was published in the framework of the project „Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment”. It aims to develop entrepreneurial and management skills of emigrants returning to the country and of remittance beneficiaries, in order to increase investments from the money transferred from abroad. The guide offers to all those interested the entire necessary consultancy for launching and managing their own business, which would make remittances generate new income for those who benefit of them.




Business Opportunities for Remittance Beneficiaries (RO) 

Remittances play a great role in the economy of the Republic of Moldova, making 36% of the national GDP and even more in the rural area. Even so, only 7% of them are invested in income generating businesses. Most of the money transfers made by Moldavian emigrants are used to cover currents needs, as food, clothes or medical services. To make remittances be more than a simple substitute for the lack of employment in the country and to efficiently increase citizens’ welfare and national economy development, a project was launched - „Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment”. The present Study is part of this project and its goal is to identify business opportunities, to develop entrepreneurial and management skills of emigrants returning to the country and encourage the use of remittances as investments in own businesses.



The Ministry of Economy and local authorities intend to create 3 Industrial Parks in Edinet, Hancesti and Cantemir rayons. These ones will determine the extension of industrial areas and will attract new investments in the rayons. The business incubators established in the Industrial Parks will boost the success of newly created enterprises in the Industrial Parks. The Parks will offer the possibility of creating new jobs in the rayons, will reduce unemployment and they also could bring back 10% of people having emigrated due to lack of income sources.  The creation of the Industrial Parks will also generate rayonal infrastructure development.

Feasibility Study for creating Industrial Park Edinet (RO) 

Feasibility Study for creating Industrial Park Hancesti (RO) 

Feasibility Study for creating Industrial Park Cantemir (RO)



Assessment of deconcentrated public services in the Republic of Moldova (EN)

The report offers an in-depth analysis and review of deconcentrated public services in the Republic of Moldova from the perspective of their institutional and organizational arrangements and functionality, of the level of accessibility and degree of citizens’ satisfaction towards provided public services, of the capacities of Territorial Divisions of the State Chancellery to manage and coordinate them. It issues recommendations for the improvement of services and for the creation of a coordination mechanism, building a development plan for the TDSC staff.




Practical guide on cross-border cooperation (RO) 

The second edition of the Practical guide on cross-border cooperation presents the concept of cross-border cooperation, national and international experience, the legal framework, techniques and methods, examples of good practices in the field of cross-border cooperation, the financing of cross-border activities. This is a practical book conceived for local public authorities of Moldova, civil society institutions and companies in border areas and can serve as manual to students, PhD candidates and professors.            






Human Resources and Internal Audit: Recommendations for local public authorities from Moldova (RO)  

The present study is not a manual of internal audit or internal control or a guide about financial control in the meaning of “financial revision”. It presents the role of internal audit and internal control in the modern sense – of ensuring good governance in the public sector.   





Management of urban public transport system in Chisinau Municipality (RO) 

The present study is a contribution in the field of the management of urban public transport and urban governance. It includes analyses and researches, international practices, legislative issues, policies and implementation tools and is the result of the project “Management of the Urban Public Transport System in Chisinau Municipality” of BCI and the Technical University of Moldova. This project has assisted the authorities of Chisinau Municipality in the elaboration and implementation of the regulatory framework for the improvement of public transport in Chisinau.