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News & Events

BCI-Audit, at its fifteenth anniversary

August 4 was a festive occasion for BCI-Audit, when the institution reached 15 years from its foundation in 1997. For its employees this was an occasion to meet in a business retreat on Friday, in Vadul lui Voda City. On Saturday, August 4, they have welcomed the guests arrived at the event to celebrate 15 years of achievements and remember the story of a success.



The Project for water and sewerage systems in Chisinau has presented its final results

The Project „Chisinau Water Supply & Sewage Treatment: Feasibility Study”, which is near the ending date, presented its results, within the Final Workshop, on July 26, 2012. The general goal of the Feasibility Study was to prepare the Technical, Financial, Environmental & Social Due Diligence for JSC „Apa-Canal Chisinau” (ACC) and to attract investments to support the improvement of activity and services offered by the company.



Training courses for the local administration, in performance-based budgeting

Training courses in performance budgeting will be organized for the local public administration in Soroca, Orhei, Calarasi and Camenca cities. The first course will be held on July 25, in Orhei Municipality. The seminars are part of the Project “Support for performance budgeting system in Moldovan local self-governments”, financed by the Programme Polish Aid 2012 and implemented by Business Consulting Institute and PAUCI (Poland).



The project for entrepreneur emigrants from Moldova has come to a successful end

The Project “Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment”, launched in 2010, has to come a successful end. Its final conference was held on Thursday, June 21, 2012, and brought together beneficiaries, representatives of public administration and mass-media. The conference has offered an overview of implemented activities, also being an occasion of launching the book „Entrepreneur good practices”, about entrepreneurs who have launched their business within this project.



Entrepreneurs from Moldova learn from the Romanian experience in remittance investment

During 24-27 April 2012, a group of entrepreneurs from Moldova had the opportunity to make a study visit to Iasi, where they have met successful business managers from Romania. This was the third study visit organized for the beneficiaries of the IFAD Project, “Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment”.



Transfer to Moldova of the Romanian entrepreneurs’ good practices

Entrepreneurs from Moldova and Romania have met within a study visit to Iasi, organized during 4-7 April 2012 in the IFAD Project, “Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment”. The purpose of the visit was to share the Romanian experience in remittance investment and was the second of the three study visits to be made to Romania.



Study visit to Poland in the field of quality management

A new study visit, aiming to realize an exchange of information, experience and examples concerning quality management, was organized during March 26-28, 2012, to Rzeszów, Poland, within the Strategic Skills go East twinning programme. The programme is implemented by Business Consulting Institute in partnership with Unioncamere del Veneto (Italy) and the Chamber of Trade and Industry of Rzeszów (Poland) and is focused on three main pillars: quality management tools, development of client network, the broadening of the area of services.



Transfer of good practice within a visit of Moldavian entrepreneurs to Iasi

Within the IFAD Project, “Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment”, 14 beneficiary entrepreneurs had the chance to make a visit of good practice transfer to Iasi, Romania, during March 14-17, 2012. The purpose of the visit was to share the Romanian experience in remittance investment. The activity of good practice transfer will consist in total of 3 visits of entrepreneurs from the Republic of Moldova to Romania.

