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Training courses for the local administration, in performance-based budgeting

Training courses in performance-based budgeting will be organized for the local public administration in Soroca, Orhei, Calarasi and Camenca cities. The first course will be held on July 25, in Orhei Municipality. The seminars are part of the Project “Support for performance budgeting system in Moldovan local self-governments”, financed by the Programme Polish Aid 2012 and implemented by Business Consulting Institute and PAUCI (Poland).

The Project “Support for performance budgeting system in Moldovan local self-governments” will support the reform of local finances in Moldova by introducing performance budgeting in local governments. The project continues similar activities of PAUCI and Business Consulting Institute and corresponds to the objectives of the Ministry of Finance of Moldova of adopting performance budget within the current decentralization reform. The projects implemented in Moldova follow the example and experience of Krakow, the first Polish city having implemented the performance budget (1994).

During 2009-2011, Business Consulting Institute and PAUCI have elaborated, with the support of UNDP, Polish Aid and CEI-KEP, the methodology for performance budgeting in Moldova, have trained decision makers and financial specialists of 5 cities (Floresti, Stefan Voda, Balti, Cahul and Ungheni) in performance budget issues, while in the capital city the trained specialists and decision makers have already prepared certain parts of the municipal budget by performance criteria.

The project experts will provide training, will support the establishment of software linking structured budgets to performance budgets and will initiate public discussions on the reform of the budget system in Moldova.

The following seminars will be held in Soroca (July 26) and in Calarasi (August 6). 
