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The project for entrepreneur emigrants from Moldova has come to a successful end

The Project “Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment”, launched in 2010, has to come a successful end. Its final conference was held on Thursday, June 21, 2012, and brought together beneficiaries, representatives of public administration and mass-media.          


Within this project, the Study „Business Opportunities for the Beneficiaries of Remittances” and the Practical guide for entrepreneurs „How to set up a business” have been published. Some key figures of the project: 24 training sessions have been organized in central rayons of Moldova and about 500 people have benefited from them. These are people who have emigrated in order to find a job or relatives who have received money from abroad (remittances). As a result, 95 businesses were registered and launched and business plans have been created for them. There were invested 47 million lei, including 33 million lei from own sources, mainly from remittances. Also, over 450 jobs were created, which would be a source of revenue for the national and local budgets, yearly providing over 10 million lei.      


Another result of the project is the book „Entrepreneur good practices”, whose authors are Mihai Roşcovan and Natalia Sava. The brochure presents the successful stories of entrepreneurs which have invested remittances in their own businesses, their innovative ideas and advices for those to would like to create their own company.      


Today’s conference was an occasion for these entrepreneurs to meet and also to launch the book about their business experience. Every participant was given a book, advising them to present it to others, who could make the society in R. Moldova evolve.                             

The project activities were financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). It was implemented by Business Consulting Institute (Republic of Moldova), in partnership with ProRural Invest (Republic of Moldova) and the Foundation for Economic Development and European Integration (Romania). Their main objective was to develop managerial capacities and promote entrepreneurial culture in order to facilitate the redirection of remittance use from household consumption to productive investments. 
