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Study visit to Poland in the field of quality management

A new study visit, aiming to realize an exchange of information, experience and examples concerning quality management, was organized during March 26-28, 2012, to Rzeszów, Poland, within the the Strategic Skills go East twinning programme.       


The programme is implemented by Business Consulting Institute in partnership with Unioncamere del Veneto (Italy) and the Chamber of Trade and Industry of Rzeszów (Poland) and is focused on three main pillars: quality management tools, development of client network, the broadening of the area of services.


The ISO 9001 standard - the study object of the visit - is the best-known international standard of the quality management system. It is one of the factors which facilitate international trade in goods and services; numerous countries have adopted these standard and hundreds of thousands of companies have obtained the ISO 9001 certification.                              


The ISO 9001 standard certifies that an organization functions based on a quality system internationally acknowledged, representative both for the product and service quality and their management. The ISO certification indicates how a company applies certain work practices, meets clients’ needs, their accountability, being in fact a general recommendation for their performance.           


The twinning programme is implemented within the East Invest Project, a European Commission initiative, managed by EUROCHAMBRES and implemented by the East Alliance. The EC project seeks to facilitate and encourage economic co-operation between the EU and the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries. In line with this objective, various activities are being implemented focusing on the transfer of know-how and best practices and the development of a long-term relationship to the benefit of both sides. Under the frames of this project, there will be implemented 15 twinning projects which will encourage concrete and sustainable co-operation between the EU and EaP business support organizations (BSOs), supporting the implementation of joint projects.             

