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Transfer of good practice within a visit of Moldavian entrepreneurs to Iasi

Within the IFAD Project, “Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment”, 14 beneficiary entrepreneurs had the chance to make a visit of good practice transfer to Iasi, Romania, during March 14-17, 2012.                       


The purpose of the visit was to share the Romanian experience in remittance investment. The activity of good practice transfer will consist in total of 3 visits of entrepreneurs from the Republic of Moldova - the project target group - to 20 small farmers and business managers from Romania.            


On this occasion, the entrepreneurs have had the opportunity to see:  

  • The cherry orchard and the fruit and vegetable storage in Cotnari Commune, Iasi County       
  • The cattle farm in Tiganasi Commune   
  • The goat and sheep farms, a refrigerating storage, corn seed production and others in Trifesti Commune, Iasi County            
  • A clothing factory
  • A drug store
  • A restaurant.

The Project ”Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment” aims to develop  entrepreneurship and management capacities of returned migrants and remittance beneficiaries, in order to increase remittance investments.                  


It is financially supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and is implemented in the Republic of Moldova by Business Consulting Institute, in partnership with the Foundation for Economical Development and European Integration Iasi.                     
