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A new European project supports the development of Orhei and Telenesti Towns

Business Consulting Institute is launching a new project, financially supported by the European Union. The project, which will last until July 2014, aims to strengthen sustainable development capacities of non-state actors and local authorities in Orhei and Telenesti Towns and the neighboring communities. Civil servants and local councilors, representatives of civil society and private sector will be involved in its activities, which will promote mechanisms of cooperation among society and LPA and will empower communities to participate to local development and have access to improved services and infrastructure. Local authorities will learn within this project to implement development initiatives on a rights-based and gender responsive approach.    


The mechanisms applied by the project “Promoting PPI as an efficient mechanism for community empowerment and sustainable local development” are Community Driven Development (CDD) and Participatory Planning (budgeting) and Implementing (PPI), which support local development of communities through their human capital.     

Acquired knowledge will be deepened in a study visit to Poland, country which has a good experience in applying these concepts, supported by the Law on Local Self-Government, adopted on March 8, 1990. The study visit will be organized with the support of the Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Foundation PAUCI.      


Financial support will be offered for the implementation of 4 local infrastructure projects, which will improve public services provided (water and sewerage, social care, road infrastructure, waste management etc.). The problems faced by the community will be named by the citizens, who will define and implement the projects.  

Project results will be published along the way and a Manual of Procedures for CDD and PPI will be edited in the final stage, presenting the methodology for the inclusion and accountability of public authorities, civil society, private sector and vulnerable groups in the decision-making process, as premise for democratic reforms and sustainable development.   
