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News & Events

STUDY VISIT // Mihai Roscovan: “Estonian business practices could be applicable for the Republic of Moldova as well”

Over the period of May 26 th – June 1 st 2016, a group of representatives of the “Entrepreneurship Promotion for rural development” project implementation partners were on a study visit in Estonia with the attendance of: Mihai Roscovan, “Business Consulting Institute” (BCI) CEO, Lucia Usurelu, “Entranse Moldova” Project manager , Ana Mardare, project developer (BCI), Iulia Iabanji, Organization for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (ODIMM) CEO, Marin Roscovan, BCI expert and Cristina Ungureanu, CrepeOn’s business manager from Soroca, the winner from the second phase of “Entrepreneurial Rural Cup” contest.



SUCCESS STORY // Adriana Buciuscanu: "Pursue your own dream if you don’t want to end up working for the dreams of others!"

Adriana Buciuscanu is both a teacher and an employee of the Department of Social Assistance and Family Protection of Orhei. It looks like this status would have to provide her the desired stability and professional accomplishment, but she didn’t stop here. Adriana always dreamt about having her own little business and one day she accomplished that. Adriana’s life changed in the moment she learnt on social networks about the grant competition within EU-UNDP project “Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme” implemented by Business Consulting Institute. Adriana was brave enough to apply and be one of the winners!



An important climate changes project was successfully carried out with the BCI examination

During October 2015 – March 2016 term, Business Consulting Institute has provided consulting services within ADC/UNDP “Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process in Moldova”. The project’s main objective was to incorporate climate change adaptation measures for the district development and performance-based budget implementation in strategic documents.



"CrepeOn" won the Rural Entrepreneurship Cup

Chisinau, May, 6th 2016 The second phase of Rural Entrepreneurship Cup is over, a competition about inovative entrepreneurship launched in Moldova within „Entrepreneurship Promotion for ruraral development” Project.



Easter Wishes

Business Consulting Institute's team wishes you a wonderful Easter filled with love, peace and happiness.



HOW TO DEVELOP A PRODUCT? Training held for the young entrepreneurs with BCI and its partners support

12.04.2016 Business Consulting Institute (BCI), alongside ODIMM and CIVITTA Estonia, has held today a training for the young rural entrepreneurs in Chisinau. The training took place within “Cup of Rural Entrepreneurship II” and gathered the winners from the previous three business ideas marathons which were held at the Soroca, Nisporeni and Stefan Voda Business Incubators.



BUSINESS BRIGES: 30 young people from both banks of the Nistru River will set up their businesses with EU support

07.04.2016 - 30 young persons from both banks of Nistru river received grants of 13,500 euros from the European Union (EU) to set up their own business. The grant certificates were awarded at the Business Bridges conference – an event gathering entrepreneurs from both banks to establish partnerships. The support was offered in the framework of Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme (SCBM), financed by EU and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (SCBM).




The ”Business Bridges” Conference : Young people from both banks of Nistru River who received start-up grants establish new partnerships.

