Adriana Buciuscanu is both a teacher and an employee of the Department of Social Assistance and Family Protection of Orhei. It looks like this status would have to provide her the desired stability and professional accomplishment, but she didn’t stop here. Adriana always dreamt about having her own little business and one day she accomplished that. Adriana’s life changed in the moment she learnt on social networks about the grant competition within EU-UNDP project “Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme” implemented by Business Consulting Institute. Adriana was brave enough to apply and be one of the winners!
Mother of two preschools, Adriana has noticed the lack of some complementary educational services for them in Orhei city. For love of children she came up with a good idea of “Cheita Magica” (The Magic Key) educational project in order to develop, diversify and organize high quality services for preschoolers and scholars.
At the educational center “The Magic Key” the students will have the opportunity to study in a warm and friendly atmosphere which is great for an interactive learning environment. The center has to offer various clubs, packages and activities for lively and creative youngsters, as: English Club; Weekend Package; School is Knocking on the Door; Parents and Kids; Mini Kindergarten; Afterschool. Thanks to all that, children will develop social, intellectual and oratorical abilities in line with artistic spirit and aesthetic taste.
“At the beginning it wasn’t easy at all. As there are a lot of details to take into account when starting a business. We had to find a proper space for our classes and to get done with some needlessly time-consuming procedures. But with patience, tenacity, family, friends and also wih the help of my mentor Lucia Usurelu I succeed! “, she said proudly.
The 9 450 euro grant received from the European Union was invested in equipment, furniture and didactic materials. Adriana’s Buciuscanu business has generated four new jobs with potential future expansion.
This month is going to be the official opening of the educational children center “The Magic Key”, which is ready to greet all the youngsters willing to develop their intellectual potential or their creative and independent thinking.
For all those who have a good business idea, but are afraid to develop it, Adriana has a piece of advice: “Pursue your own dream if you don’t want to end up working for the dreams of others! “.