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HOW TO DEVELOP A PRODUCT? Training held for the young entrepreneurs with BCI and its partners support

12.04.2016 Business Consulting Institute (BCI), alongside ODIMM and CIVITTA Estonia, has held today a training for the young rural entrepreneurs in Chisinau. The training took place within “Cup of Rural Entrepreneurship II” and gathered the winners from the previous three business ideas marathons which were held at the Soroca, Nisporeni and Stefan Voda Business Incubators.


Monitored by Alexandru Popovici, the young entrepreneurs were acquainted with the steps that should be taken in order to develop a product, also to share their experience in that matter and to study working models for a successful development of a business.


 Domnita Gritco is from Nisporeni and is running a LoveBox business which implies home delivery services: “Being a part of this project makes me really happy, because I’ve learned how to structure a business plan, how to define clearly all the needed elements, to evaluate the viability of my business on the market and to identify its weaknesses.  All in one, I’ve learned a very important thing, that is: how to turn an idea into a profitable business.  I have found all the needed key parts, established partnerships and now I am waiting for my business to get over the trial period and finally to hit the market. For the beginning, my business is going to give jobs to 3 people. “


The event was attened by Anari Hagel and Harry Tallinn – representatives of CIVITTA Estonia, Ana Mardare – project manager of BCI, Rodica Bivol and Alexandru Negruta – mentors.  


Ana Mardare: “With this project  we aimed for the quality enhancement of the rural entrepreneurs activities, for the consolidation of the current entrepreneur system and for the expenditure of the rural entrepreneurship, and of course for the  reduction of the flow of labor from villages to cities, and all of this was possible thanks to the financial support of MFA Estonia.”     


“The Rural Entrepreneurship Promotion” project is held in 2 laps (august 2014 – june 2015; august 2015 – june 2016) and is implemented by Business Consulting Institute (BCI) in partnership with ODIMM and Centre for Pure Development (Estonia). The project is sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Estonia.
