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Cooperarea intercomunală în raionul Taraclia și Găgăuzia, obiectul unui studiu lansat la Taraclia și Comrat

Un studiu cu privire la cooperarea intercomunală și benefiiciile și posibilitățile pe care le comportă este lansat astăzi, la Taraclia și la Comrat, în prezența primarilor, consilierilor locali și a reprezentaților PNUD Moldova. Studiul a fost elaborat de către experții Business Consulting Institute și ai Institutului de Dezvoltare Urbană, în cadrul unui proiect sprijinit de Programul SARD Gagauzia Taraclia al PNUD Moldova, cu susținerea financiară a Uniunii Europene.



With the EU support, young entrepreneurs from both banks of the Nistru River create new jobs

In just one year, 31 young entrepreneurs created more than 120 jobs and introduced new goods and services in the market. They started their business with the financial support from the European Union provided under the Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme (SCBM), implemented by the UNDP Moldova. The results of the Youth Business Empowerment Project (part of SCBM) were presented today, at an event in Tiraspol.



The European Union offers more grants for business development in Gagauzia and Taraclia

The second round of a EU-funded grants’ contest is starting on March 1 to help create new businesses and develop small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the ATU Gagauzia and Taraclia. Both start-ups and experienced entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply for non-reimbursable financial assistance for up to 18,400 euros per selected project, through the EU funded “Support for Agriculture and Rural Development in ATU Gagauzia and Taraclia” (SARD) Programme implemented by UNDP.



Young entrepreneurs study operational management of companies

The young entrepreneurs who have benefited from EU grants to launch their own businesses are attending today a training session on operational company management. The training course aims to develop beneficiaries’ management capacity and teach them to apply management functions within organizations, and form time and resource management skills.



A student started baking bread for her entire village

Doina would have liked to have her own business, but never thought her dream would come true so soon. It all started when an acquaintance happened to tell her about a grant competition open for young people on both banks of Nistru river, aiming at their economic empowerment. Doina acted promptly and didn’t miss this chance. She already had a business idea in her mind and intended to open a bakery in her village.



Zinaida Stefanco: „En entrepreneur should be skillful and do what he knows best”

After completing her master, Zinaida Stefanco has worked as consultant seller at the Steilmann store in Malldova shopping centre. One year later she went on maternity leave and now raise two children aged 4 and 2 years. Still this doesn’t stop her from running her own business, which she has recently created by accessing an EU grant, provided within a project economically empowering young people on both banks of Nistru river. She currently manages a sheep milk processing plant which manufactures and sells sheep cheese.



Innovating and profitable businesses launched under European projects

In recent years, European funds have greatly supported the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Lilia Verlan from Pârâta, Dubăsari is one of the young people who have turned their ideas into reality by acceding to financial support offered by EU programs. Earlier this year, the young woman opened a chinchilla farm - an innovative and profitable business, as more experienced farmers say.



Cum a ajuns un tânar de 21 de ani să înființeze un autoservice pentru mașini de mare tonaj?

După ce a fost admis în concurs, Ion a participat activ la toate sesiunile de instruire organizate în cadrul proiectului, beneficiind totodată și de consltanță calificată din partea mentorilor BCI, Liviu Andriuță și Pancho Valceanov. În cele din urmă, planul său de afacere a fost evaluat ca fiind viabil, iar Ion s-a numărat printre câștigătorii concursului. Suma grantului pe care l-a primit din partea Uniunii Europene a fost de circa 14 000 de euro.

