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The Decentralization Reform: from Strategy to action

Experts in public administration and territorial-administrative reform from Macedonia, Georgia, the Czech Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia and Ukraine are in a study visit in Moldova during 12-14 November. The visit is organized within the project „Ensuring transformations through the implementation of the territorial-administrative reform”, which is implemented by Business Consulting Institute in partnership with the Institute for Dynamic Development SFERA-NOVA (Macedonia) and with the financial support of the East East Beyond Borders Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova and UNDP Moldova.                 


During this visit, the experts will meet with the representatives of the central and local public administration and will participate to the International Conference „The Decentralization Reform: from Strategy to action”. They will discuss about the reform of the public administration and will present the experience and practice of their countries and solutions and models for Moldova.    


The territorial-administrative reform is an objective of the National Decentralization Strategy and it aims to enhance the capacities of local public administrations in order to provide better and more accessible public services.           


The International Conference is hosted by the Republican Palace and is taking place during 13-14 November. The event is attended by the central and local public administration, representatives of NGOs and international organizations, international and local experts.           


For more information about decentralization and local autonomy, please visit the site
