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Successful European models in a conference about decentralization and local autonomy development

During 6-7 September, 2011, the Conference Room of Vila Verde Hotel in Chisinau has hosted the Training Seminar „Decentralization and Local Autonomy Development: Successful European Models for the Republic of Moldova”, within the homonymous project initiated by Business Consulting Institute in R. Moldova.   

The event was organized by BCI in partnership with the Foundation PAUCI (Poland) and Corporate and Public Management Consulting (Latvia), with the financial support of Soros Foundation Moldova.

The seminar was attended by the representative of the Ministry of Finance of Poland, experts in decentralization from Latvia and Poland, representatives of central and local public administration of Moldova, NGOs and independent experts.   

The scope of the seminar, as is that of the project, was to facilitate the exchange of experience between policy- and decision-makers, representatives of local authorities, NGOs and relevant experts from Poland and Latvia and other EU countries involved in the process of the decentralization reform, to contribute to strengthening the local autonomy, as well as to determine an appropriate model to ensure administrative and financial decentralization in the Republic of Moldova.

Thus, the experts from Moldova had the chance to get to know the decentralization models implemented in Poland and Latvia, which are successful and have had important results on decision-making level and in the development of local communities, in consolidating the local administrative autonomy and improving public services.  


Following the foreign experts’ recommendations, there will be applied specific decentralization forms for the Republic of Moldova, adapted to the existing structures.   


On short term, the project will aim issuing policy recommendations and ensuring public discussions on the decentralization reform in Moldova, which will therefore benefit of the best practices and the experience of EU countries.   


On long term, the projet will bring the competence and the experience of implementing decentralization reforms, which will ensure solid foundations in the further development of communities in Moldova.   
