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The Project „Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment”, in a new stage

Business Consulting Institute in partnership with ProRuralInvest have launched two important products, realized within the Project „Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment”. These are the study „Business Opportunities for the Beneficiaries of Remittances” and the book „How to set up a business. Practical guide for entrepreneurs”.     


The launching event of these works took place on March 25, 2011 in Chisinau and was attended by the representatives of the local administration and by experts in the field.    


The event moderator, Sergiu Burcă, brought to the attention of the audience general information about the ongoing project, showing its importance to the citizens of Moldova who work abroad and their families who beneficiate of money transfers. This project was launched in July 2010 and is implemented by Business Consulting Institute in partnership with ProRuralInvest (Moldova) and the Foundation for Economical Development and European Integration (Romania). The project budget is of 309 000 USD, including 63 000 USD as local contribution. By June 2012, the project partners intend to contribute, through effective remittance directing, to the launching of 45 new businesses, which would provide 250 new jobs in the country. The project is carried out in 12 rayons of the Central Region of the Republic of Moldova and so far almost half of the objectives have been met.            

Within this event, Viorel Roşcovan, Ph.D. in Economics and BCI expert and Roman Palanciuc, expert of ProRuralInvest, made a detailed presentation of the study „Business Opportunities for the Beneficiaries of Remittances”, study which has been published in one thousand copies. This publication is a complete analysis of the situation of remittance use in the Central Region and of existing opportunities to invest remittances in profitable businesses.          


The event also hosted the launching of the book „How to set up a business. Practical guide for entrepreneurs”, published in three thousand copies and destined to people who whish to start their own business. The authors of the guide are  Larisa Bugaian, Professor, Ph.D. in Economics, Pro-Rector of UTM, Mihai Roşcovan, Ph.D. in Economics, Ştefan Toderaşcu, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics and Angela Solcan, Ph.D. in Economics, ASEM.


The Project  „Support the innovative use of remittance in productive rural investment” is financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).      
