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A new cross-border cooperation project was launched in Soroca Rayon

Today, April 27, 2011, there was launched the Project „Performance Management and Administrative Efficiency”, implemented by the Rayon Council Of Soroca within the Joint Operational Program Romania – Ukraine – Moldova 2007-2013.      


The Joint Operational Program is financed by the European Union and co-financed by the partner countries (for more information access the site The project is implemented by the Rayon Council of Soroca in partnership with the Council of Iasi County and Business Consulting Institute.


The objectives of the project include the improvement of the administrative capacity of local public authorities, the development of services provided by the Rayon Council of Soroca and the increase of efficiency of human resources in public administration. 


The target groups consist of 9 civil servants to be hired in new created services and 60 public servants and councilors from Soroca, Floresti, Drochia Rayons and Iasi County who will receive training in the project area.    


Quantifiable benefits mean over 1000 employees of Soroca Rayon and subordinated structures which will activate according to new requirements and standards for service providing. About 300 thousand inhabitants of Soroca, Floresti, Drochia Rayons and Iasi County will receive improved administrative services.      


The project will contribute to the sustainable development of Soroca Rayon through the transfer of experience and best practices of administrative management achieved by the Council of Iasi County. Common activities of the project, which will last 12 months, will include: training, information, common activities of involved people, study visits and experience exchange, internships and joint operational activities.       


For other information, please contact Business Consulting Institute, telephone number + 373 22 855 080, contact person – Viorica Scerbina.  
