This week started in Chisinau with an event which brought together businessmen from Romania, Ukraine and Moldova and representatives of national and local authorities, diplomatic institutions, development partners and civil society.
Most of the speakers said that the Cross-Border Business Forum is welcome in the context of the Russian embargo and reorientation of businessmen in Moldova and Ukraine to the EU market.
Mr. Wicher Slagter, Head of the Political and Economic Section at the EU Delegation to Moldova, noted that the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the European Union has entered into force in September. The Free Trade Area offers many opportunities to enter the European market, which is one of the largest in the world. The European Union also pays special attention to cross-border cooperation and financially supports numerous projects.
Mr. Liviu Bleoca, Diplomatic Counsellor at the Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Moldova, remarked that visa liberalization for Moldova and the entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement create favorable conditions for cross-border cooperation. The Joint Operational Programme Romania - Ukraine - Republic of Moldova 2007-2013, which finances the project within which the Forum was held, has also supported the creation of the SMURD Center in Balti and the construction of the gas pipeline Iasi-Ungheni. The recent inauguration of the pipeline is a new declaration of independence for the Republic of Moldova, given that there are international actors which take advantage of their energy resources to put pressure on our country.
Ms Mariana Puntea, senior expert at the Office for Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes of the State Chancellery, reminded that Moldova is successfully implementing European projects. Until now, our country has accessed funds of 50 million Euro through three cross-border cooperation programs, having about 90 beneficiary institutions.
Vitalyi Galaychuk, from the Association for the Economic Development of Kolomyya Region (Ukraine), declared that the Ukrainian entrepreneurs came to the Forum to showcase their products and to establish new collaborations. "Ukraine and Moldova are in development and it won’t be easy to enter the European market. We must unite our efforts to overcome obstacles”, he added.
The project „Competitiveness enhancement through human synergy in the border region”, whithin which the Forum took place, comes to strengthen the cooperation and economic competitiveness of SMEs from Romania, Ukraine and Moldova, to achieve growth and sustainable development.
The iniative is financially supported by the European Commission through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument, within the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013. The project is implemented by Business Consulting Institute in partnership with the Regional Entrepreneurs Association North-East Romania, the Association for the Economic Development of Kolomyya Region (Ukraine) and the Dialogue for Development Association Romania.
The experts at the Forum presented sectors with high investment potential in the cross-border area and the Cross-Border Competitiveness Strategy, developed in the present project. The organizers have offered to the entrepreneurs the Cross-Border Investment Guide, also published in this project.
Within the Forum the businessmen have participated to a business-to-business event, allowing them to communicate and find potential partners. The Forum, held at Leogrand Convention Center, hosted an exhibition of the entrepreneurs. These activities have involved 102 businessmen from Romania, Ukraine and Moldova. During the next period, the Romanian partners will organize a similar event in Iasi.
In the framework of the project there will be organized three training cycles for the SMEs in the cross-border region. They will be attended by over 100 entrepreneurs and will focus on: (1) economic competitiveness improvement through innovation and research; (2) creation and operation of Romanian - Moldovan joint ventures in the cross-border region, financed by EU structural funds; (3) promotion of exports from and to the European Union by quality standards and free competition.
Project activities will run until October 2014. Ms Ana Mardare is project coordinator; for more information please contact us at (+373 22) 855 080 or by e-mail: