On October 28, 2014, Iasi City will host a Cross-Border Business Forum, at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Forum is part of the project "Competitiveness enhancement through human synergy in the border region”.
This project is financially supported by the European Commission through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument, within the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013. The project is being implemented by Business Consulting Institute, the Regional Entrepreneurs Association North-East Romania, the Association for the Economic Development of Kolomyya Region (Ukraine) and the Dialogue for Development Association Romania.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iasi, Iasi Mayoralty, the North-East Regional Development Agency, the County Office for Financing Rural Investments, the Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation Iasi, Europe Direct Iasi, the Territorial Office for Small and Medium Enterprises, Ungheni District Council contribute to its organization.
Read here the press release about the cross-border project and the Forum.