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Study visit to Krakow within the project for the implementation of public-private partnership in the Republic of Moldova

Between October 17-21, 2010, a group of specialists from Moldova made a study visit to Poland, in the framework of the Project „Building Public-Private Partnership to Ensure Sustainable Community Development”.


Within this visit, the specialists were presented the principles of public-private partnership applied in Poland, the results of implementing the project in Krakow, the PPP functioning and perspectives in Katowice and the role of PPP in SME development. 


The project aims to facilitate the experience exchange between the decision makers and the local public administration of the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia and Poland in the application of PPP and to develop policy recommendations and an action plan in order to create appropriate conditions for implementing PPP in the Republic of Moldova.     


The long-term objective of the project is to make the public-private partnership a useful and efficient tool in attracting private investments in local communities development.


Its partners are: the Czech Invent Technology Agency, PAUCI Foundation (Poland), UNDP Moldova and the Ministry of Constructions and Regional Development of Moldova. The project is implemented by the Urban Development Institute (Moldova) and is financed by the Foundation Batorego (Spain).


The transport and scholarships provided during this visit were offered by the Soros Foundation Moldova.  
