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Youth encouraged to create their own businesses

When is the right moment to start a business? What’s your excuse when you give up on your dream of becoming your own boss? How to overcome obstacles and create a business that will work for you?     


These were the topics of motivational seminars organized by BCI, ODIMM and CIVITTA Estonia under the project Promoting entrepreneurship in developing rural areas, during 4-6 November.


These seminars were held at the business incubators in Soroca, Nisporeni and Stefan-Voda and aimed at young people from rural areas who want to create a startup or strengthen their businesses.     


The international trainers Harri Tallinn and Riivo Anton (Civitta Estonia), the associate experts Alexandru Negruta and Lucia Usurelu (BCI), and Roman Curca (ODIMM) have offered consultancy services to almost one hundred prospective entrepreneurs.  


The participants defined problems and obstacles they face and referred to lack of money and experience, and their fear of investing in something that couldn’t work. Nevertheless trainers argued that problems can become opportunities and the business world offers many eloquent examples.            


The project will further organize two-day business marathons in Soroca (21-22 November), Nisporeni (28-29 November) and Stefan-Voda (5-6 December). The second edition of the Rural Entrepreneurship Cup aims to discover, support and promote young people who are able to create a business in their locality, in the field that they choose on their own.       


5-7 teams will be selected in every region and will develop their companies with the support of business incubators in Soroca, Nisporeni and Stefan-Voda and local and international experts.      


The project Promoting entrepreneurship in developing rural areas is financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is implemented by Business Consulting Institute, ODIMM and CIVITTA during August 2015-June 2016.  


Contact person - Ana Mardare

Telephone: (+373 22) 85 50 80



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