A new meeting of the working group preparing socio-economic development strategies occurred today in the town of Ialoveni. The members of the coordinating group previously formed by mayor’s order and including councilors, public officers and local experts dicussed the progress of the strategy development and contributed to defining the vision, objectives and development priorities for the town of Ialoveni.
The BCI facilitators Ana Mardare and the international expert Sorina Racoviceanu presented the profile of Ialoveni, which offers thorough information on physical and geographical features, landscape and urban planning, demography and social capital, public services and economic development indicators, environment and natural potential, infrastructure and management capacity.
The analysis shows that the town of Ialoveni has potential to develop economically and become a tourist destination. Nevertheless at this stage the vision and development objectives of the socio-economic strategy should be defined clearly and realistically.
The strategy should confer a pragmatic sense to local development, solve citizens’ problems on short term and improve the town's image on long term.
The project in question is financed by USAID through the Local Government Support Project and is implemented by Business Consulting Institute (BCI) and the Information Center for Local Authorities in Moldova.
Business Consulting Institute supports the mayoralties of Calarasi and Ialoveni in developing socio-economic strategies for the period 2016-2020, in accordance with national strategic documents, regional development strategies, EU standards for integrated development. The strategies will be elaborated by the end of the year in cooperation with Romanian and Polish experts hired by USAID.