Ro   En  

The study on the assessment of deconcentrated public services came to the end

On Tuesday, December 14, 2010, in Chisinau was organized the round table for the presentation of  “The results of the study on the assessment of deconcentrated public services”, study which has been elaborated by CPM Consulting Group and Business Consulting Institute and financed by UNDP.


The event is part of the activities organized within the Joint Integrated Local Development Programme, aiming to inform the public about the results achieved in the studies developed in the process of elaboration of the Decentralization strategy project.    


The purpose of the round table was to present the results of the study, to provide the framework to  discuss on the recommendations and the conclusions issued, to make recommendations and conclusions  for the creation of the Decentralization strategy and, at the same time, to encourage the exchange of views, which can become useful in improving the decentralization process.        


For more information about the implemented project, please contact Business Consulting Institute, telephone number +373 22 855 080, contact person: Artur Macovei, Executive Director of BCI.       
