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Cultural and tourism projects on the agenda of a new study visit to Poland

A new study to Poland will be organized, in the week of 15-19 July. Experts of local public administration and NGOs were invited to participate, to learn from the experience of Polish cross-border cooperation projects.

The visit will begin in Krakow, where the participants will be familiarized with the Polish economic and administrative system and cross-border cooperation programmes, at the PAUCI Foundation. Also in Krakow, they will visit the institutions of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Slovak Republic 2007-2013. 

Over the following days, the guests will travel to several Polish localities, where there will be presented various cooperation projects with localities on the border with Slovakia and Ukraine. 

The agenda contains projects in the fields of culture, water protection, cultural and equestrian tourism and more. 

Destinations are numerous and unique and include: a wooden toy center (preservation of cultural heritage); the old town square of Stary Sącz gmina (cultural tourism); wooden churches (preservation of wooden churches); the Experimental Station of the Polish National Research Institute of Animal Production (equestrian tourism); the astronomical observatory in Kolonicke sedlo (development of tourism through astronomy) etc. 

This study visit takes place within the project “Preparation of Moldovan local communities to effective absorption of funds from EU cross-border cooperation programs”. The project is financially supported by the PAUCI Foundation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland and is implemented by Business Consulting Institute. It prepares the institutions of the Republic of Moldova to efficiently use the funds provided by the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013.
