An EU project implemented by Business Consulting Institute strengthens the capacities of non-state actors and local authorities in Moldova, aiming to enhance cooperation and sustainable development. The project “Promoting PPI as an efficient mechanism for community empowerment and sustainable local development” has been launched in March 2013 and will be implemented by July 2014. Orhei and Telenesti Towns are its direct beneficiaries and implementation partners of BCI. It is financially supported by the European Union.
During September-November 2013, several focus-groups were held, presenting the concept of Participatory Planning and Implementation (PPI) and the importance of social participation to decision-making. The participants have discussed about the problems their towns face and the best solutions to opt for. Within this initiative, financial support will be offered for the implementation of infrastructure projects in Orhei and Telenesti Towns. Two surveys were organized, with more than 600 participants from Orhei and Telenesti, to establish the main problems of these communities.
All these actions were performed in the context in which the experts of the project and the members of the Local Participatory Councils have prepared local development strategies for Orhei and Telenesti. The strategies are established for the years 2014-2020.
On December 18, 2013, the strategy for Telenesti Town has been discussed within public hearings, in order to be adjusted and presented to the Local Council for approval. Public consultations were held on the same day, there were discussed the infrastructure projects to be implemented.