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The Monitoring Report on the Implementation of Central Public Administration Reform Strategy in Moldova

BCI was selected within the Public Administration and Good Governance Programme of Soros Foundation Moldova in order to assess the performances of the reform implementation in October 2010 - February 2011 period.     


As a result, BCI has assessed 4 components of the Reform for October 2009-November 2010 period: reorganization of central public administration, decision making, human resource management and public finance management.  


This Reform seeks for the reformation of the Local Public Administration to European standards, its goal being to establish a modern and efficient central public administration system, in accordance with the principles of good governance in member countries of EU and EC. These performances should be achieved through optimal costs, giving the possibility to take into account citizens’ interests and rights. 


The monitoring of the Reform aimed to collect and analyze information to measure the progress of the Reform Strategy of Central Public Administration in Moldova.       


The objectives of the evaluation are: (1) analyze the activities planned within the Implementation Plan of the Central Public Administration Strategy Reform in Moldova in 2009-2010, the objectives and the expected results of the Reform; (2) analyze the progress achieved in the reference period in accordance with the fundamental principles of economy, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact on Central Public Administration and social perception on the Reform; (3) compare the results of similar assessments previously carried out by the Reform Implementation Unit, State Chancellery and the assessment of the Independent Group of Experts with the results of the present evaluation.      


For more information on the Report, please contact Business Consulting Institute, telephone number + 373 22 855 080, contact person: Veaceslav Bulat, BCI affiliate consultant. 
