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At only 25 years old, Adrian Grițcan transforms his passion into a successful business

Adrian Grițcan from Baimaclia, Causeni had the courage to follow his dream and at only 25 years old has managed to open his own business, with a grant offered by the European Union within a youth empowering business project implemented on both sides of Nistru river.

It wasn’t easy for him at the beginning. After graduating Adrian has worked as mechanical engineer at a winery, after which he got the position of sales manager at an agricultural machinery provider. Until recently, he dealt with promoting, testing and selling the latest agricultural equipment. This job made him fall in love with all that means agriculture, which  “produces the fuel of humanity”, as he says.

Adrian Grițcan: “I grew among bees, as my grandfather used to have an apiary in the garden. I loved beekeeping, but I did not consider it a source of profit. Only after seeing real apiculture practiced in other countries, with new working technologies and modern equipment, I thought about creating a modern apiary.”

He found out about the project on a social network and decided to join the competition. He pulled the winning ticket – a grant in the amount of 300 000 lei, which were invested in a new modern apiary. His business raises and maintains bee families, sells bee products (honey, pollen, wax, propolis), manufactures hives. Adrian has invested in wood for the hive manufacturing, 70 bee families and the extraction, treatment and working equipment.

The business began as famous family businesses in the West. At the end of February, Adrian and his brother has turned their father’s garage in a carpentry workshop, where they have manufactured all the needed hives. Afterwards they have purchased bee families and the equipment, and were well prepared to collect acacia flowers at the beginning of May. The first profitable harvest was at the time of sunflowers, when they have extracted a great amount of honey.

We reiterate that the youth empowering business project implemented on both banks of Nistru river was launched two years ago with the financial support of the European Union. The project is part of the SCBM Programme and is implemented by UNDP Moldova in partnership with Business Consulting Institute and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tiraspol. Within this project 70 young people from both sides of Nistru river have benefited from EU grants to launch their own businesses, which have generated hundreds of new workplaces. An online cooperation platform was launched and a great number of business relationships were established between entrepreneurs in the region.   
