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Moldova learns from the Latvian experience with decentralization

During October 30 – November 4, 2011, a Study Visit to Latvia was organized within the Project “Decentralization and Local Autonomy Development: Successful European Models for the Republic of Moldova”. The project is implemented by Business Consulting Institute (Moldova) in partnership with PAUCI Foundation (Poland) and Corporate & Public Management Consulting Group (Latvia) and with the financial support of UNDP Moldova and Soros Foundation Moldova.


The goal of the project is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience among policy- and decision-makers, local authorities, associative structures, expert community from Moldova, Poland and Latvia active in the field of decentralization reform that will contribute to strengthening the local autonomy. 


In this context, the Study Tour aimed to present the decentralization reform experience in Latvia; to provide information on local public finance framework, equalization mechanisms and public investment policy; to offer a good understanding of the relationship between the government and local governments; to present the mechanisms of public service delivery and development trends.     


Following the Seminar on the decentralization reform in Latvia, their experience and the recommendations of Latvian experts should serve as a model in the implementation of the decentralization reform in Moldova.   


The Seminar has raised awareness on multiple aspects, of which: (1) the improvement of the quality and accessibility of public services; (2) electronic service delivery (e-services), e-democracy, the ensuring of transparency and effectiveness of municipal spending, the enhancing of efficiency of municipal institutions; (3) the directing of income taxes to the residence place of tax payers; (4) the financial equalization of self-governments in order to create equal development opportunities; (5) the reduction of structures and employees and the efficientization of public administration; (6) the management and preservation of historical patrimony.


The Study Visit has offered a wide diversity in addressed problems and rich information, of which has benefited a team of representatives of Moldova’s public administration, NGOs and local government experts.
