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In Telenesti and Orhei, courses have started in June month

Starting from June 17, people from Orhei and Telenesti attend the trainings held within a common project of their towns. 

It is a training cycle on various themes, for public officers and civil society. 

 Decentralization of public services has been the first subject on the training agenda. The term refers to the transfer of competences and resources to local administration, which is closer to citizens and could therefore furnish better services, create and manage infrastructure. Moldova is at the beginning of a decentralization reform, whose main purpose is to offer people better living conditions. This course introduced the context of the decentralization reform, the legal framework, competent institutions, national and European experience, the way to the reform etc.  


Another training taught the participants to write and implement EU-funded projects.  


Orhei and Telenesti will obtain funds to realize 4 infrastructure projects, which will offer them access to better services. Projects will be defined by the community, which will participate to their implementation.   

Policy documents were the subject of the training held this week. All activities are followed by practical exercises and new knowledge is tested at the end.   


Over the next weeks, one more training will teach public officers to organize public hearings, surveys, focus groups etc. The experts will present the concept of Participatory Planning and Implementing, which support the development of communities through their human capital.     

This summer's courses are carried out repeatedly, in both Orhei and Telenesti.  

Trainings will end in August, when there will be conducted workshops for the elaboration of socio-economic strategies for the towns.   

These activities are part of the project “Promoting PPI as an efficient mechanism for community empowerment and sustainable local development” , which is financially supported by the European Union and is a common initiative of  Business Consulting Institute and local public authorities of Orhei and Telenesti.         
