Business Consulting Institute in partnership with ODIMM launched the 2nd edition of The Rural Entrepreneurship Cup. The competition is part of the project "Promoting entrepreneurship in developing rural areas" – a support, training and mentoring program for young people, who want to start a business in rural area.
From all 9 Business Incubators, there will be selected 3 regional hosts where will be organized inspirational events, hackathons, trainings, workshops and coaching for the selected teams.
The target group of the project are young people (18-35 years) which intend to launch a start-up.
The selected teams which will take part in the competition will benefit of assistance in launching and developing their business from the local and international mentors as well as exchange of experience with the startup community from Estonia.
This project is financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Fund for Humanitarian Assistance and Development Aid, co-financed by ODIMM, Business Consulting Institute and Center for Pure Development, Estonia.