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International Conference „Centrifugal and Centripetal Trends in Post-Soviet Space: Stance towards Sustainable Development”

On the eve of the Summit in Vilnius, Business Consulting Institute organizes the International Conference „Centrifugal and Centripetal Trends in Post-Soviet Space: Stance towards Sustainable Development”, to be hosted by the Hotel Regency on November 13, 2013.

The conference will take place within the project implemented by Business Consulting Institute with the support of the East-East Beyond Borders Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova. Experts from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Macedonia, Serbia and Moldova will participate to discussions and will offer objective information about the integrationist options for Moldova and the participating countries. The conference will be an experience exchange between the experts, policy and decision-makers, local authorities and civil society.   


The event will have three panel discussions, where three topics will be analyzed:

1) Current status of the social-economic relations of the Republic of Moldova and its pro-European agenda;

2) Experience of countries members of the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia: strengths and shortcomings; 

3) Last developments in the candidate and EaP countries and their challenges.   

Over the last years, the government’s efforts focused on solving the crisis installed in our country; Moldova has shaped a clearly EU oriented strategy. In order to achieve defined objectives, there is a long path to be followed and specific actions to be implemented, relying on official recommendations of the EC authorities. The line ministries and other institutions will assume the responsibility to put their recommendations into practice; civil society will be consulted during negotiations and areas requiring technical or financial assistance will be established.

In November 2013, Moldova will take one of the most important steps on the way to its European integration, by participating to the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, where the Association Agreement with EU will be initialled.

To receive the presentations of the experts invited to the Conference, please send an e-mail to 
