During 12-14 December 2011, Business Consulting Institute in partnership with PAUCI Foundation (Poland) and Corporate & Public Management Consulting Group (Latvia), with the support of UNDP Moldova and East East: Partnership Beyond Borders Program of Soros Foundation Moldova, organizes the study visit to Moldova of the representatives of public administration and experts in public administration from Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. During this visit, within 13-14 December, the guests will attend the International Conference „Decentralization and Local Autonomy Development: Successful European Models for the Republic of Moldova”, held in the Conference Room of the Palace of the Republic (16, Maria Cebotari Street, Chisinau).
The goal of the visit is to discuss current problems of decentralization, to facilitate the exchange of experience and successful practices accumulated in Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, to offer solutions and models for the implementation of the decentralization reform in Moldova.
Today, 12 December, after the meetings at the Government, the guests will undertake a visit to Stefan-Voda Rayon, where they shall meet the local authorities.
The Conference will be attended by the representatives of central and local public administration of Moldova, NGOs and experts in public administration.
Decentralization and the ensuring of local autonomy are one of the priorities of the current government. The main goal of decentralization is to offer better public services, at a lower price, along with the modernization of structures providing these services. Until now, decentralization actions have been sporadic and unsystematic, rather following certain external conditions than a strategic objective of political reformation of state and society.
Decentralization is not a futile objective, but a method of providing more efficient public services, of approaching the administrative decision to citizens and taking into consideration their needs. The decentralization means the transfer of competences and financial resources from central authorities to local ones and the adoption of an adequate legal framework. Many of public services (school education, social assistance, water provision and road infrastructure) are more efficient on local level, where the authorities are closer to people and know better their needs.
Should you have any more questions about the conference or this project, please contact Business Consulting Institute, telephone number 855 080, e-mail office@bci.md or access our website, www.bci.md.