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The grant competition for young entrepreneurs continues until 9 November

The Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme continues the implementation of the Project Creation of Job Opportunities through Business Support for Youth. A grant competition was launched under this project, for young people aged 18-35, particularly women and vulnerable people, living in the districts of Floresti, Soldanesti, Rezina, Orhei, Criuleni, Dubasari, Anenii Noi, Causeni and Stefan-Voda.


Over 300 grant application forms have already been submitted by young people from those districts. The best 75 business ideas were selected by Business Consulting Institute as project partner. During 20-22 October, the authors of the best project ideas attended a two-day course in business planning, learning to launch and plan a business, and to obtain nonreimbursable financing.      


All those interested are encouraged to apply in the following stage, whether or not they submitted a first application form. The best 15 business ideas will obtain grants of up to 13,500 Euro.   


Eligibility criteria:

  • Grant applicants must be 18-35 old; 
  • must work in one the eligible localities;
  • shouldn’t have debts to the local and national budget; 
  • must be willing to register the company after grant approbation; 
  • must ensure a 10% co-financing.  


Applicants must submit the following set of documents:  

  • The application form;
  • A copy of the ID card;
  • A business plan for a period of at least 3 (three) years and annexes;     
  • Statement on absence of debts to the local and national budget.*
  • The electronic version of the application file on CD.   

*If the application file is approved, the beneficiary will submit a certificate on lack of debts to the local and national budget, issued maximally 1 month before (the original document).

Incomplete files will not be considered.


Selection criteria

Submitted applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:  

  • Competitiveness and feasibility of the business/ business plan;
  • Type of business;
  • Number of jobs created, for women inclusively;
  • Financial aspects of the business plan;
  • Personal contribution and co-funding capacity;  
  • Degree of innovation and originality of project;
  • Investment recovery term;    
  • Social impact;
  • Completeness of business plan.

Applications will be submitted until 9 November, 5 p.m.


Receipt and registry of the application form and documents for participation in the grant competition  

The application form and the set of documents for participation in the grant competition will be submitted in sealed envelope at the following address:

Business Consulting Institute

Address: 27, M. Eminescu Street

Chisinau, MD-2012

Telephone: 022 855 080



Examination of applications and documents for participation in the grant competition


The examination of applications and sets of documents will be conducted in three stages:  

Stage 1: Checking eligibility criteria

Checking compliance with eligibility criteria and completeness of application files. Only application files selected in stage 1 will enter the following stage. 


Stage 2: Technical evaluation of business plans

The business plans will cover a period of minimum 3 (three) years and will apply the presented model. They should be feasible and comply with the other mentioned criteria. The best 30 business plans will enter the third stage.

Stage 3: Presentation of the business plans

The business plans will be presented to the selection commission, which will evaluate the structure and style of presentation; the entrepreneur and team’s knowledge of business; their self-motivation; passion for business; completeness of presentation; respect for the established duration.


Condition for the procurement of goods 


The applicants/beneficiaries of the grant program will not receive financing directly, but will receive the goods indicated in the business plan. The beneficiary will receive the goods for use initially and will obtain the owner rights after 16 months, if they meet the grant contract conditions.   

If the beneficiary does not use the received goods he will announce the consultancy company in written manner within 30 calendar days.


Goods will be purchased by the consultancy company contracted by SCBM Programme, with permanent and direct involvement of the beneficiary. The beneficiary will identify and submit three commercial offers for each product. The consultancy company will ensure the compliance with the general procurement rules. There will be applied the following conditions:   

  • The grant will be used to procure fixed assets, i.e. equipment, machinery, furniture, animals, poultry;  
  • The grant will not be used to procure current assets, in construction investment;
  • Goods (equipment/machinery) can be purchased both locally and abroad; 
  • Purchased goods (equipment/machinery) will be exempted from the value added tax;
  • Goods purchased from the beneficiary’s resources will not be exempted from VAT;
  • Imported goods will be exempted from VAT, customs duty;
  • The beneficiary will present at least three commercial offers for each product;
  • The grant will be established in MDL. Payments will be made in MDL.

The Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme started in 2009 and is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme with the financial support of the European Union.
