In 2010-2011, in Moldova is implemented the project ”Good governance in Chisinau: Introduction of performance budgeting in Moldovan capital”.
The project is financially supported by the programme CEI/KEP and co-financed by the Assistance Programme of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and is carried out by the Cooperation Foundation PAUCI (Poland) in association with Business Consulting Institute (Republic of Moldova).
The project aims to promote and to implement the concept of performance budgeting in Chisinau Municipality, based on the evaluation of the current financial system and the local budgeting process in the Republic of Moldova.
During the 15-18th of June 2010, there will be organized four introductory training sessions on performance budgeting, as part of the project.
The seminars aim to familiarize decisive factors, the specialists in local and municipal budgeting and the management of the budgetary units of Chisinau Municipality with the concept of performance budgeting and for the participation of the citizens in the design of the budgets and the supervision of the budgetary tasks implementation. The training will be offered by experts from Moldova and Poland with practical knowledge and experience in training.