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15 business startup grants provided in the Security Zone

Business Consulting Institute (BCI) announces that the grant competition organized within the project Creation of Job Opportunities through Business Support for Youth had 80 participants.


15 business plans were selected from 80 application files in an open competition. These target the following sectors of activity: manufacturing and sales of jewelry, decor pieces and unique accessories made of used electronic parts; mobile car service; sheep cheese production; mechanized services; quilts production; manufacturing of ethnic wedding dresses in a modern style; educational services; computerized dental diagnostic services; organic bee farms; chinchilla farming; bakery and confectionery; organic vegetable production on protected soil.     


The grantees will receive up to 13,500 Euro and will benefit from consultancy services during a fourteen month period.


The total amount of grants is 3,520,738 lei or about 163,000 euro.


A youth empowerment project is also implemented on the left bank of Nistru River, where it had over 80 grant applicants.  


This project started in 2009 and is implemented by the SCBM Programme/UNDP with the financial support of the European Union. The Programme contributes to confidence building between both banks of Nistru River by involving local public authorities, business community and other stakeholders.


Contact person: Liviu Andriuţa

Telephone: (+373 22) 85 50 80


