„Chisinauproiect” Institute in partnership with Business Consulting Institute have offered consultancy services in the framework of the project implemented by Chisinau Mayoralty, “Planning of parking spaces in Chisinau Municipality”, in order to identify an efficient solution for the planning of parking spaces in the capital, taking into account aesthetic aspects and the town-planning regulations of the city.
In this way, the goal of provided services was to ensure the information framework to solve the problems in: satisfying the needs of parking spaces, optimizing and easing the traffic in Chisinau Municipality and creating the conditions for the compliance with traffic rules in accordance with the General Plan of Town-Planning.
The project consisted of two stages: (1) elaboration of pre-feasibility study and choosing parking spaces and (2) elaboration of the feasibility study for the adopted solution.
Within this project, the technical part of the study was conducted by „Chisinauproiect” and the financial and socio-economic analysis was prepared by Business Consulting Institute.
The project has been carried out during September 2010 – November 2010.
Should you have any questions about this project, please contact Business Consulting Institute, telephone number + 373 22 855 080, contact person: Artur Macovei, Executive Director of BCI.