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5 teams of young entrepreneurs passed the test of a training marathon

Business Consulting Institute, ODIMM and CIVITTA Estonia held a second Hackathon at the Business Incubator in Nisporeni, as part of the project Promoting entrepreneurship in developing rural areas.   


Young people from rural areas made a two-day training marathon and passed through a veritable business school. They learned to apply presentation tools in a correct and efficient manner, and make a successful presentation of their business idea when meeting with potential investors.    


The competitors formed skills of market segmentation, creation of the Minimum Viable Product, applying the Business Model Canvas, defining the cost and revenue structure, finding product advertising channels.    


In the closing of the event the jury announced the names of the 5 teams selected at this competition stage: Arhilogic (interior design services), Love Box (romantic gifts), Sacul galben (collection and processing of leaves), Portocala mecanică (construction of football fields) and Eco-bags (production of paper bags).


The business incubator in Nisporeni and local and international mentors will support the development of these businesses during a six-month period. 


The next Hackathon will take place on 5-6 December in Stefan-Voda.  


The Hackathon is a marathon aiming to discover, support and promote young people who are able to manage a successful business in their locality, in fields that they choose on their own.   


This project is financed by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is implemented by Business Consulting Institute, ODIMM and CIVITTA Estonia during August 2015 - June 2016.   


Contact person - Ana Mardare

Telephone: (+373 22) 85 50 80



