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Calarasi district has adjusted their development strategy to climate changes

Within ADA/UNDP “Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process in Moldova” project, “Business Consulting Institute” has provided expertise to the local public authorities from six districts in order to set up some adaptation measures for the local development strategies to climate changes.


After Basarabeasca, Calarasi District Council has filled in their development strategy with a new subchapter - Climate Change Adaptation. The new subchapter stipulates the climate change impact on agriculture, water resources, people’s health, forest fund, energy sector, and transport and road infrastructure.  In line with the detailed description of sectorial impacts there are tables with the adaptation risks and opportunities for Calarasi District.


Conforming to the identified risks and opportunities, BCI experts along with other specialists in the field from Calarasi District Council, have elaborated and incorporated a set of sectorial measures of climate change adaptation. Related activities are being evaluated by their implementation costs and prioritized according to economic, environmental, technical and organizational factors.


The incorporation of this kind of measures in the development strategies it’s a priority for the Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process in the Republic of Moldova which is a  framework paper elaborated according to Climate Change chapter’s foresight from EU Association Agreement, and UN Framework Convention regarding climate change, Republic of Moldova being a part of it.


“Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process in Moldova” project is supported by the Austrian Development Agency, funded by Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of Austria and implemented by UNDP Moldova in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change Office and Business Consulting Institute.
