The Mayoralty of Calarasi hosted today the meeting of the working group which develops socio-economic strategies for the towns of Ialoveni and Calarasi.
The meeting was attended by the mayor of Calarasi, the project coordinator, experts of BCI, public officers, local councilors and other members of the coordination group.
A technical perspective on the town’s development prospects was presented by UrbanProiect, with which BCI coordinates project strategic documents.
The Associate Professor Eduard Harbu PhD presented a detailed profile of Calarasi accompanied by a SWOT analysis of the most important problems taken into consideration while developing the socio-economic strategy.
It was stressed that the new strategy needs to be correlated with both the General Urban Plan and the new concept of administrative-territorial reform. This would allow strengthening local government, creating strong local public administrations, with larger budgets, more employees, having the capacity to solve local problems in a more efficient and operative manner.
Business Consulting Institute will support the mayoralties of Calarasi and Ialoveni in developing socio-economic strategies for the period 2016-2020, in accordance with national strategic documents, regional development strategies, EU standards for integrated development. The strategies will be elaborated by the end of the year in cooperation with Romanian and Polish experts hired by USAID.
This project is financed by USAID through the Local Government Support Project and is implemented by Business Consulting Institute (BCI) in partnership with the Information Center for Local Authorities in Moldova.