The project “Promoting PPI as an efficient mechanism for community empowerment and sustainable local development” continues its activities and launches a new training cycle for Telenesti and Orhei Towns, dedicated to civil servants and local councilors, representatives of civil society and private sector.
During June 17-21, 2013, in Telenesti, the consultants of Business Consulting Institute will teach a course covering the following subjects: (1) decentralization of local public services and (2) development of capacity of civil society representatives to participate and solve problems of their communities.
It is estimated that the training in public service decentralization will be attended by minimum 20 people, while the second one will have at least 135 participants.
This project is financially supported by the European Union and is implemented by Business Consulting Institute, in partnership with Orhei and Telenesti Mayoralties. It will strengthen cooperation among society and LPA and will empower communities to participate to local development, offering access to better services and infrastructure. Resources will be provided for the implementation of four infrastructure projects, which will improve local public services.