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Entrepreneurs from Moldova and Romania meet at Crossborder Forum in Iasi

Economic entities from Moldova and Romania came together at the Cross-Border Business Forum in Iasi, where they were familiarized with the sectors with increased investment potential in the border region and business financing and supporting possibilities and took part in a business-to-business (B2B) session to establish new business contacts, IPN reports.

Ana Mardare, project manager at the Business Consulting Institute, said this forum is the second one organized within the Competitiveness Enhancement through Human Synergy in the Border Region Project, the previous one being hosted by Chisinau on September 8. As part of the project, there were carried out sector studies in agriculture and food industry, transport, tourism, and consultancy. Based on these studies, there was worked out a strategy for attracting investments and an investor’s guide in the border area, that was distributed for free to the participants. 

The businesspersons from the left side of the Prut who went to Iasi represented the agrifood sector and the service sector. Most of them said they are looking for business partners in Romania, especially in supermarket supply networks. “If Turkey exports so much to Romania, there is definitely place on our market for Moldovan products too,” said Ionel Constantin, who heads the Vaslui Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Natalia Iepuras, administrator of the Ungheni Free Economic Zone, invited the Romanian entrepreneurs to invest in this zone, saying they will benefit from lower income taxes and other advantages designed to support businesses.

Other participants in the forum spoke about the opportunity of exporting to Moldova and to the ex-Soviet market through it. “Iasi should profit from its position on the EU border in its relations with Moldova. Together with Moldova, Iasi can become a gate for exports to the post-Soviet area,” said Petru Butnariu, head of the Iasi Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The Cross-Border Business Forum was held within the Competitiveness Enhancement through Human Synergy in the Border Region Project, which is implemented by Business Consulting Institute in partnership with the Regional Entrepreneurs Association North-East Romania, the Association for the Economic Development of Kolomyya Region (Ukraine) and the Dialogue for Development Association Romania, with financial support from the European Commission, provided through the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument within the Joint Operational Program Romania - Ukraine - Republic of Moldova 2007-2013.


